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Capture the Festive Spirit with Heartfelt 'Please Come Home for Christmas' Lyrics - Your Ultimate Guide!

Please Come Home For Christmas Lyrics

Get into the festive spirit with the heartwarming lyrics of Please Come Home For Christmas. Sing along and feel the holiday love!

Oh, it's that time of the year again! The season of giving and receiving, of spreading love and joy, and of course, listening to Christmas songs on repeat. And what better way to kick off the holiday spirit than with a classic tune that will surely tug at your heartstrings? Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the iconic Please Come Home For Christmas by none other than the great blues singer, Charles Brown.

Now, if you're not familiar with the song, let me give you a quick rundown. Please Come Home For Christmas is a soulful ballad about a man who is pleading for his lover to come back home and spend the holidays with him. It's a simple yet powerful message that resonates with anyone who has ever experienced heartbreak or longing for someone they love. But what makes this song stand out from the rest is its lyrics, which are both heartwarming and humorous at the same time.

For instance, take the opening lines: Bells will be ringing, the sad, sad news. Oh, what a Christmas to have the blues. Here, Brown sets the tone for the song by using a playful juxtaposition of festive bells and melancholy blues. It's like he's saying, Hey, I know it's supposed to be a happy time, but I'm feeling pretty crappy right now. And let's be real, who hasn't felt that way during the holidays?

But the real kicker comes in the chorus, where Brown delivers the punchline that we all secretly hope for: Please come home for Christmas, if not for Christmas, then by New Year's night. It's like he's saying, Look, I know you might not want to spend Christmas with me, but at least come back before the year ends so I can start fresh in 2022. Talk about being optimistic!

And as if that wasn't enough, Brown throws in some more witty lines that will surely make you chuckle. Take this one, for example: Friends and relations send salutations, sure as the stars shine above. This is Christmas, yeah, Christmas my dear, it's the time of year to be with the one you love. I mean, who wouldn't want to receive salutations from their friends and relations?

All jokes aside, Please Come Home For Christmas is a timeless classic that captures the essence of the holiday season. It's a song that reminds us of the importance of love, family, and togetherness, even in the midst of heartache and sorrow. So, whether you're spending the holidays with your significant other, your family, or alone, let this song be a reminder that there's always hope for a brighter tomorrow.

In conclusion, if you haven't listened to Please Come Home For Christmas yet, do yourself a favor and give it a listen. Let Charles Brown's soulful voice and humorous lyrics lift your spirits and fill your heart with warmth. And who knows, maybe it'll inspire you to reach out to someone you love and tell them how much they mean to you. After all, that's what the holidays are all about.


It's that time of the year again where we all gather around the fire, sip on some hot cocoa, and listen to our favorite Christmas songs. And what better way to kick off the festivities than with the classic tune Please Come Home For Christmas by Charles Brown. But have you ever really paid attention to the lyrics? Let's take a closer look.

The Sadness Begins

The song starts off with the lines Bells will be ringing, the sad, sad news. Oh, what a Christmas to have the blues. Well, that's just great. We're barely into the song and already we're hit with a wave of sadness. Who knew Christmas could be so depressing?

The Plea

Next up, we have the chorus which goes Please come home for Christmas, please come home for Christmas. If not for Christmas, by New Year's night. Okay, now we're getting somewhere. The singer is begging their loved one to come home for the holidays. It's a sweet sentiment, but also kind of desperate. Can't they just send a text or something?

The Guilt Trip

As the song continues, the lyrics get even more guilt-trippy. Friends and relations send salutations, sure as the stars shine above. But this is Christmas, yes Christmas my dear, it's the time of year to be with the one you love. So not only is the singer sad and pleading, but now they're making their loved one feel guilty for not being there. Way to lay it on thick.

A Little Bit of Hope

Just when we thought the song was going to be a complete downer, we get a glimmer of hope. The logs on the fire fill me with desire, to see you and to say that I'm yours. Okay, that's kind of cute. The image of a cozy fire and longing for someone is very romantic. Maybe this song isn't so bad after all.

The Second Verse

After the chorus repeats a few times, we finally get to the second verse. Christmas Eve will find me where the love light gleams. I'll be home for Christmas if only in my dreams. Wait, hold up. So the singer isn't actually going to be home for Christmas? They're just going to be sitting by themselves, dreaming about their loved one? That's...sad.

The Saxophone Solo

Okay, let's take a break from the lyrics for a second and talk about that saxophone solo. It's smooth, it's soulful, it's everything we love about old school R&B. It's also a nice break from all the sadness and guilt-tripping we've been subjected to so far. Thank you, saxophone.

The Final Plea

As the song winds down, the singer makes one final plea. Please come home for Christmas, if not for Christmas by New Year's night. Oh, there'll be no more sorrow, no grief or pain. And I'll be happy, happy once again. Okay, now we're back to the guilt-tripping. No more sorrow, grief, or pain? That's a lot of pressure to put on someone.

The End

And there you have it, folks. Please Come Home For Christmas by Charles Brown. It's a song that manages to be both sweet and depressing at the same time. But hey, that's the magic of Christmas music. It can make you feel all the emotions at once. So go ahead and crank up the volume, sing your heart out, and maybe shed a tear or two. It's all part of the holiday experience.

The Real Meaning

But in all seriousness, Please Come Home For Christmas is a reminder that the holidays can be tough for some people. Whether it's because of distance, loss, or just the general stress of the season, not everyone is able to fully enjoy this time of year. So if you know someone who might be feeling a little lonely or sad, reach out to them. A simple phone call or text can mean the world.

The Lesson

And if there's one lesson we can take away from this song, it's that love and connection are what truly make the holidays special. So whether you're spending Christmas with your family, your friends, or just your cat, remember that you are loved. And if you're lucky enough to have someone special in your life, hold on tight and never take them for granted. Because as Charles Brown reminds us, there's no place like home for the holidays.

Please Come Home For Christmas Lyrics: A Humorous Take

Wait, is this a song about begging someone to come home for Christmas or a desperate plea for the delivery guy to bring your Amazon package before the 25th? Either way, the lyrics are catchy enough to have us humming along while we wait for that package to arrive.

Let's be real, if you need to resort to writing a song to get someone to come home for Christmas, maybe you should reevaluate your relationship. I mean, if they're not willing to come back for presents and eggnog, what kind of relationship is that?

The Classic Christmas Love Story

Ah, the classic Christmas love story: boy meets girl, girl leaves boy, boy writes song to guilt her into coming back. It's like a Hallmark movie in three minutes.

Can we talk about the fact that this song was released in 1960 and yet it still somehow manages to play on repeat in every department store every December? It's like a timeless anthem for those of us who just want our loved ones to come home for the holidays.

The Ultimate Guilt-Trip Anthem

Do you think when this song was written, they had any idea that it would become the ultimate guilt-trip anthem for moms everywhere? If you don't come home for Christmas, I'm going to play this song on repeat until you do!

You know, maybe this song was actually written by a real estate agent trying to drum up business during the holiday season. If you don't come home for Christmas, you're missing out on the cozy fireplace and updated kitchen!

Saxophone Solo?

Quick question: if you're writing a song about how much you miss someone at Christmas, why is there a saxophone solo? I mean, it's a great solo and all, but it seems like an odd choice for a sentimental song.

I don't know about you, but if someone wrote a song like this about me, I'd be too busy hiding under a rock to come home for Christmas. Please come home for Christmas, or else everyone in town will know how much I miss you! No thanks.

The Promise of Holiday Movies

At the end of the day, if this song doesn't convince your loved one to come home for Christmas, there's always the promise of a month of non-stop holiday movies to bribe them with. If you come home, we can watch Elf every day for a month! That's a deal that's hard to resist.

So there you have it, a humorous take on the classic Christmas song Please Come Home For Christmas. Whether you're using it to guilt your loved ones into coming home for the holidays or just waiting for that Amazon package to arrive, one thing is for sure: this song will be stuck in your head until New Year's Eve.

Please Come Home For Christmas Lyrics: A Humorous Tale

The Story Behind the Song

It was a cold winter night in 1960 when blues singer Charles Brown sat down at his piano to write a Christmas song. He had just received a letter from his girlfriend, who was away on vacation, telling him she wouldn't be home for the holidays.

Feeling lonely and a little sorry for himself, Brown began to play a melancholy tune and sing the words that would become Please Come Home For Christmas.

The Point of View

The lyrics of Please Come Home For Christmas are written from the point of view of someone who is missing their loved one during the holiday season. But let's be real, it's not exactly a heart-wrenching ballad.

In fact, the song is downright humorous at times. Take the opening line, for example: Bells will be ringing, the sad, sad news. Wait, what? Sad news? That's not very festive.


Here are some of the keywords that make Please Come Home For Christmas such a unique and amusing holiday tune:

  1. Bells
  2. Sad news
  3. Misery
  4. Tears
  5. Plea

The Conclusion

So there you have it, folks. Please Come Home For Christmas may be a classic holiday song, but it's also a bit of a joke. But hey, isn't that what the holidays are all about? Finding joy and laughter in the midst of a sometimes stressful and hectic season?

So go ahead, sing your heart out to this silly but fun tune. And who knows, maybe you'll even convince that special someone to come home for Christmas after all.

Thanks for Stopping By - Now Go Learn Those Lyrics!

Well, well, well... look who decided to visit my humble little blog. Are you here because you're feeling the holiday spirit? Or maybe you stumbled upon this post by accident? Whatever the reason may be, I'm glad you're here!

Today we're talking about one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs - Please Come Home For Christmas. It's a classic tune that never fails to get me in the holiday mood. But let's be real, the most important part of any song is the lyrics. And that's exactly what we're going to focus on today.

So, without further ado, let's dive into the lyrics of Please Come Home For Christmas.

First things first, we have to talk about that opening line: Bells will be ringing, the sad, sad news. I mean, come on. How can you not love that? It's like the perfect blend of holiday cheer and heartbreak.

And then we get to the chorus: Please come home for Christmas, if not for Christmas, then by New Year's night. Talk about a plea! This line always gets me, because it's so relatable. Who hasn't begged someone to come back to them during the holidays?

The second verse is where things really start to hit home: Friends and relations send salutations, sure as the stars shine above. It's like the singer is reminding the person they're singing to that they're loved by so many people.

And then we get to the bridge, which is honestly just a masterpiece: There'll be no more sorrow, no grief, and pain, and I'll be happy, happy once again. It's like the singer is promising that everything will be okay if the person they're singing to just comes home.

Now, I could go on and on about every single line of this song, but I think you get the point. The lyrics of Please Come Home For Christmas are a work of art.

And now, my dear visitors, it's time for me to bid you adieu. I hope you've enjoyed our little journey through these lyrics. But most importantly, I hope you've been inspired to learn them for yourself. Because let's be real, there's nothing better than belting out a classic Christmas tune with your loved ones.

So go forth, my friends, and memorize those lyrics! And who knows, maybe one day you'll be serenading someone special with them.

Until next time, happy holidays and keep on singing!

People Also Ask About Please Come Home For Christmas Lyrics

What is the song Please Come Home For Christmas about?

The song Please Come Home For Christmas is a holiday classic that was originally recorded by blues singer Charles Brown in 1960. The song is about a person who is feeling lonely and misses their loved one during the holiday season, and is hoping they will come back home to spend Christmas together.

Who wrote the lyrics to Please Come Home For Christmas?

The lyrics to Please Come Home For Christmas were written by Charles Brown and Gene Redd. Brown was a talented pianist and blues singer who recorded the song as a single in 1960, and it has since become a beloved Christmas classic.

What are some popular versions of Please Come Home For Christmas?

Please Come Home For Christmas has been covered by many popular artists over the years, including Bon Jovi, Eagles, B.B. King, and Kelly Clarkson. Each artist brings their own unique style to the song, but all versions share the same heartfelt emotion that makes it a holiday favorite.

What are the lyrics to Please Come Home For Christmas?

The lyrics to Please Come Home For Christmas are:

  1. Bells will be ringing, the sad, sad news
  2. Oh, what a Christmas to have the blues
  3. My baby's gone, I have no friends
  4. To wish me greetings once again

  5. Choirs will be singing Silent Night
  6. Christmas carols by candlelight
  7. Please come home for Christmas
  8. Please come home for Christmas

  9. If not for Christmas, by New Year's Night
  10. Friends and relations send salutations
  11. Sure as the stars shine above
  12. This is Christmas, yeah, it's the time of year

  13. To be with the one you love
  14. So won't you tell me, you'll never more roam
  15. Christmas and New Year's will find you home
  16. There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain
  17. And I'll be happy, happy once again

Is Please Come Home For Christmas a sad song?

The song Please Come Home For Christmas is certainly a melancholy tune, as it deals with the loneliness and heartache that can come with the holiday season. However, there is also a sense of hope and longing in the lyrics, as the singer is expressing their desire to be reunited with their loved one.

Can Please Come Home For Christmas be played on guitar?

Yes, Please Come Home For Christmas can certainly be played on guitar! The song features a simple chord progression that is easy to follow, and there are many online resources available that provide tabs and tutorials for guitar players.

In Conclusion:

Please Come Home For Christmas is a beloved holiday classic that has touched the hearts of many listeners over the years. Whether you're feeling lonely this holiday season or simply looking for a catchy tune to sing along to, this song is sure to bring a smile to your face and warmth to your heart.