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Unwrap the Meaning of Christmas with Heartfelt Christmas Wrapping Lyrics

Christmas Wrapping Lyrics

Discover the lyrics to Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses - a festive classic about missed connections and love during the holidays.

It's that time of year again where we gather with family and friends to celebrate the most wonderful holiday of all, Christmas! And what better way to get into the holiday spirit than by listening to some classic Christmas tunes? Amongst the many beloved holiday songs, there's one that stands out for its witty lyrics and catchy tune: Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Another article about Christmas music? Yawn. But hear me out, dear reader. This isn't just any old holiday song. Christmas Wrapping tells a relatable story that's both heartwarming and humorous. So grab a cup of hot cocoa, cozy up by the fire, and let's dive into the lyrics of this festive favorite.

The song begins with the line, Bah, humbug! which immediately sets the tone for a tale of holiday woe. The narrator explains how she's been too busy with work to even think about Christmas, and how she's sworn off love after a string of failed relationships. But just when she thinks she's going to spend another lonely holiday season, fate intervenes in the form of an old flame.

The lyrics are full of clever wordplay and transitions that keep the story flowing smoothly. For example, when the narrator is recounting her past romances, she says, I thought I'd met Mr. Right, but then one night I came home, to a Dear John letter. The use of but then signals a change in the story, and the reference to a Dear John letter adds a touch of humor to an otherwise sad situation.

As the song continues, the narrator and her ex-lover reconnect over a chance encounter at the grocery store. They exchange pleasantries and catch up on old times, but before they can make plans to get together, the narrator realizes she's forgotten something crucial: wrapping paper!

Here's where the song really shines. The chorus is a catchy, upbeat tune that perfectly captures the frantic energy of last-minute holiday shopping. The lyrics are full of witty lines like, A&P has provided me with the world's smallest turkey and Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year.

But despite all the chaos and stress of the season, the narrator and her old flame manage to make plans to spend Christmas together. It's a heartwarming ending to a fun and relatable story.

In conclusion, Christmas Wrapping is more than just a holiday song. It's a cleverly crafted story that captures the ups and downs of the season in a way that's both humorous and heartwarming. So next time you hear it on the radio, take a moment to appreciate the clever lyrics and catchy tune. And who knows, maybe it'll inspire you to reach out to an old flame or two.

The Christmas Wrapping Song

Christmas is a time for joy, family, and friends. It's also a time for wrapping presents. Wrapping presents can be a lot of fun, especially if you have the right music. One of the most popular Christmas songs for wrapping presents is Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses. This song has been around since 1981 and is still going strong today. Let's take a closer look at the lyrics.

Verse 1

The song starts off with the memorable line: Bah, humbug! This sets the tone for the rest of the song, which is full of humor and sarcasm. The first verse talks about the narrator's busy year and how she missed out on love during the summer. She then goes on to say that she's not looking forward to Christmas because it's just another year and nothing ever changes.


The chorus is the most memorable part of the song. The narrator talks about running into an old flame at the grocery store on Christmas Eve. They catch up and reminisce about old times. The narrator realizes that maybe things aren't so bad after all and that Christmas might be worth celebrating.

Verse 2

The second verse talks about how the narrator and her old flame exchange phone numbers and make plans to get together after the holidays. She then goes on to talk about how she's glad the year is over and that she's excited for the new year. She ends the verse by saying that she hopes the next year will be better than the last.


The bridge is short but sweet. The narrator talks about how she's wrapping presents and listening to music. She mentions that the song Jingle Bell Rock is on the radio and that she's feeling festive.

Chorus (x2)

The chorus is repeated twice in the song. The second time around, the narrator adds in some extra lines about how she's happy to be spending Christmas with her old flame and that maybe things will work out between them.


The song ends with the narrator saying Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas over and over again. It's a simple but effective way to end the song and leave listeners feeling festive.

The Humor in the Lyrics

The lyrics to Christmas Wrapping are full of humor and sarcasm. The narrator starts off by saying Bah, humbug! which is a classic line from A Christmas Carol. This sets the tone for the rest of the song, which is full of witty lines and clever wordplay.

One of the funniest lines in the song is when the narrator talks about how she missed out on love during the summer. She says There's just one thing I need, I forgot. One thing I need. Oh, three words, that's what she said. This line is a play on the classic phrase I love you and shows the narrator's reluctance to admit that she might want someone in her life.

The chorus of the song is also full of humor. The narrator talks about running into an old flame at the grocery store on Christmas Eve. She says You mean you forgot cranberries too? which is a reference to the fact that they're both shopping for last-minute items. The line is funny because it's relatable and shows that even during the holidays, people can forget important things.

The bridge of the song is short but sweet. The narrator talks about how she's wrapping presents and listening to music. She mentions that the song Jingle Bell Rock is on the radio and that she's feeling festive. This is a funny moment because it shows that even though the narrator was initially reluctant to celebrate Christmas, she's now fully into the holiday spirit.

The Timeless Appeal

Christmas Wrapping has been around since 1981 and is still going strong today. The song's timeless appeal comes from its relatable lyrics and catchy melody. The song is about a woman who's had a tough year and isn't looking forward to Christmas. However, she ends up running into an old flame and realizing that maybe things aren't so bad after all.

The song's message of hope and redemption is universal and can be appreciated by people of all ages. The melody is catchy and easy to sing along to, which makes it a popular choice for Christmas playlists. The song's humor and sarcasm also make it stand out from other Christmas songs, which tend to be more sentimental.

Overall, Christmas Wrapping is a classic Christmas song that will continue to be enjoyed for years to come. Its relatable lyrics, catchy melody, and humor make it a favorite among Christmas music fans.

In Conclusion

Christmas Wrapping is a classic Christmas song that has stood the test of time. The song's lyrics are full of humor and sarcasm, which make it stand out from other Christmas songs. The melody is catchy and easy to sing along to, which makes it a popular choice for Christmas playlists. The song's message of hope and redemption is universal and can be appreciated by people of all ages. Overall, Christmas Wrapping is a must-listen for anyone looking to get into the holiday spirit.

The Struggle is Real: Why Wrapping is Like a Workout

Let's face it, wrapping gifts is no easy feat. It's like a workout without the actual physical benefits. You're constantly bending, cutting, taping, and twisting. Your fingers get sore from holding the scissors and your back starts to ache from hunching over the table. And don't even get me started on the mental exhaustion of trying to fold the paper just right. But, despite all the struggle, we keep on wrapping because there's nothing quite like seeing the smile on someone's face when they open a perfectly wrapped gift.

Accidentally Duct Taped Myself: Real Stories of Christmas Wrapping Mishaps

Speaking of struggles, let me tell you about my own personal Christmas wrapping mishap. I was in a rush to get everything done and didn't realize I had accidentally taped the wrapping paper to my own shirt. As I tried to pull it off, I ended up taping myself to the paper and had to awkwardly hobble around until someone could come to my rescue with a pair of scissors. Moral of the story: always double-check where you're placing your tape.

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The Art of Reusing Wrapping Paper: A Not-So-Popular Guide

Some may call it cheap, but I like to think of it as eco-friendly. Reusing wrapping paper is a great way to save money and reduce waste. But, let's be honest, not all wrapping paper is created equal. You have to carefully choose which pieces are worth saving and which ones need to be thrown away. And, if you're really committed to the art of reusing, you'll want to invest in some good quality tape to ensure the paper stays intact for future use.

Why Bows are Overrated and We Should All Just Use Stickers Instead

Bows. The bane of every gift wrapper's existence. They're difficult to tie just right, they take up too much space, and they always end up falling off anyway. So why do we keep using them? I say, let's ditch the bows and opt for stickers instead. Not only are they easier to use, but they come in a variety of fun designs and colors that can add a personal touch to any gift.

Wrapping Gifts When Your Cat Thinks the Tissue Paper is a Toy: A Tale of Woe

Cats and wrapping paper. It's like a match made in chaos. If you've ever tried to wrap a gift with a feline friend around, you know the struggle all too well. They pounce on the tissue paper, claw at the wrapping paper, and inevitably end up tangled in the ribbon. My advice? Bribe them with some catnip and hope for the best.

If You Can Wrap a Burrito, You Can Wrap a Gift: Tips from a Mexican Restaurant Employee

Believe it or not, there are some transferable skills between wrapping a burrito and wrapping a gift. As a former Mexican restaurant employee, I can attest to this. The key is to keep it simple. Lay out the wrapping paper like a tortilla, add your fillings (aka the gift), and wrap it up tightly. And, if all else fails, just fold it into a burrito shape and call it a day.

The Ultimate Gift Wrapping Hack: Just Stick a Bow on It and Call it a Day

For those who really can't handle the stress of wrapping, there's always the ultimate hack: just stick a bow on it and call it a day. Sure, it may not be the most impressive presentation, but at least it's something. And who knows, maybe the recipient will appreciate the simplicity of it all.

Wrapping Paper vs. Gift Bags: The Eternal Debate

The debate between wrapping paper and gift bags has been raging for years. Some argue that gift bags are easier and more convenient, while others believe that wrapping paper adds an extra level of excitement and anticipation. Personally, I think it depends on the occasion. If it's a quick gift exchange, go for the bag. But if it's a special occasion, take the time to wrap it in paper and add some personal touches.

Why We Should All Just Embrace Our Imperfect Wrapping Skills and Give Gifts Naked

At the end of the day, does it really matter how perfectly wrapped a gift is? No. What matters is the thought and effort put into choosing and giving the gift. So, why not embrace our imperfect wrapping skills and give gifts naked? It may not be the most visually appealing option, but it's honest and authentic. And isn't that what the holiday season is all about?

The Tale of Christmas Wrapping Lyrics

Once Upon a Time

There was a popular holiday song called Christmas Wrapping that became the anthem for last-minute shoppers and procrastinators everywhere. It was catchy, upbeat, and full of witty lyrics that perfectly captured the frenzied energy of the holiday season.

The Lyrics

The song's opening lines set the scene:

  • Bah, humbug! No, that's too strong
  • 'Cause it is my favorite holiday
  • But all this year's been a busy blur
  • Don't think I have the energy

From there, the narrator recounts her year, which has been filled with missed connections and romantic misadventures. She runs into an old flame at the grocery store on Christmas Eve, and they share a moment of understanding about the pressures of the holidays.

  1. And so deck those halls, trim those trees
  2. Raise up cups of Christmas cheer
  3. I just need to catch my breath
  4. Christmas by myself this year

The Point of View

The point of view in Christmas Wrapping is both humorous and relatable. The narrator is self-deprecating and honest about her struggles, but she never loses her sense of humor. She pokes fun at herself for being a wimp and offers wry observations about the people around her.

This song is a reminder that even when things go wrong, there's always a reason to celebrate. Whether you're wrapping presents at midnight or running into an old flame at the grocery store, there's a certain magic to the chaos of the holiday season.

The Table Information

Keywords Meaning
Procrastinators People who delay or put off doing something until the last minute
Witty lyrics Clever and humorous words that are often used in songs or poetry
Romantic misadventures Funny or unfortunate experiences related to love or relationships
Self-deprecating Mocking or belittling oneself in a humorous way

Closing Message: The Art of Wrapping Christmas Gifts with Humor

Well, folks! We have reached the end of our journey to master the art of gift wrapping with Christmas Wrapping lyrics. I hope you had as much fun reading this blog as I had writing it. So, before we bid adieu, let me leave you with some final thoughts.

First and foremost, remember that wrapping gifts is not a chore; it's an art form. Therefore, don't be afraid to experiment with different wrapping papers, ribbons, and bows. Let your creativity run wild and have some fun.

Secondly, never underestimate the power of a well-wrapped gift. A beautifully wrapped present can make even the most mundane gift exciting. So, don't skimp on the wrapping paper and take your time to make it look perfect.

Thirdly, if you're struggling to wrap a gift, don't panic. Just remember the immortal words of Iggy Pop, If at first, you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

Fourthly, if all else fails, just stick a bow on it and call it a day. After all, it's the thought that counts, right?

Finally, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May your holiday season be filled with love, laughter, and plenty of perfectly wrapped gifts.

Now, go forth and wrap those presents with confidence and humor. And remember, no matter how bad your wrapping skills may be, you can always blame it on the Christmas Wrapping lyrics.

People Also Ask About Christmas Wrapping Lyrics

What are the lyrics to Christmas Wrapping?

The lyrics to Christmas Wrapping are all about a woman who runs into an old flame around Christmas time. The song talks about how she's been too busy to date and how she's not sure if she wants to run into this guy again. The chorus goes:

  • Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year.
  • Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year.

Who sings Christmas Wrapping?

Christmas Wrapping was originally sung by The Waitresses in 1981. Since then, it has been covered by a number of different artists, including the Spice Girls and Kylie Minogue.

What is the meaning of Christmas Wrapping?

Christmas Wrapping is a fun and lighthearted song that pokes fun at the stresses of the holiday season. The song is essentially about taking a break from all of the craziness and just enjoying some time off with loved ones. It's a reminder to slow down and appreciate the people around us.

What is the tempo of Christmas Wrapping?

The tempo of Christmas Wrapping is fairly upbeat. The song has a bouncy, energetic feel to it that fits perfectly with the festive holiday season.

Is Christmas Wrapping a popular Christmas song?

Yes! Christmas Wrapping has become a classic holiday tune over the years. It's a fun and catchy song that many people enjoy listening to around the holidays.

Can I sing along to Christmas Wrapping?

Absolutely! Christmas Wrapping is a great song to sing along to. The lyrics are easy to remember and the upbeat tempo makes it perfect for singing along with friends and family.

So, go ahead and crank up the volume this holiday season and sing your heart out to Christmas Wrapping!