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Relive the Hilarious Adventures with the Iconic RV from Christmas Vacation

Rv From Christmas Vacation

The RV from Christmas Vacation is a classic icon in holiday movies. Join the Griswold family on their hilarious road trip in this must-see film!

Do you remember the epic road trip of Clark Griswold and his family in the movie Christmas Vacation? Their journey in that big, bulky, and not-so-reliable RV was a hilarious adventure that left us all laughing and relating to their misfortunes. But did you know that the RV used in the movie has its own story beyond the movie set? Let's take a trip down memory lane and delve into the history of the infamous RV from Christmas Vacation.

First of all, let's talk about the size of this RV. It was so massive that it was practically a house on wheels. You could fit an entire family in there and still have room for a few pets and some luggage. But as we saw in the movie, size doesn't always matter when it comes to functionality. The RV suffered from engine troubles, electrical malfunctions, and even got stuck under a low bridge.

Despite its flaws, the RV became an iconic symbol of the movie and is still talked about to this day. People even refer to it as the Griswold Family Truckster. But did you know that the RV wasn't actually a real vehicle? It was a custom-made creation by Hollywood prop maker, Ed Newton.

Newton was given the task of designing and building the RV for the movie, and he had to get creative with his materials. He used a 1973 Ford F-350 truck chassis as the base and built the body out of wood and fiberglass. The result was a one-of-a-kind RV that perfectly captured the essence of the Griswold family's quirky personalities.

Another interesting fact about the RV is that it wasn't just used for filming. After the movie wrapped, the RV was put up for auction and sold to a private buyer who kept it in storage for several years. In the early 2000s, the RV was rediscovered and restored to its former glory by a group of dedicated fans.

Today, the RV is a beloved piece of movie memorabilia and has been featured in various events and exhibitions. It even made an appearance at Disneyland's Cars Land as a nod to the movie's popularity among fans.

But perhaps the most interesting thing about the RV is the lasting impact it has had on pop culture. The Griswold Family Truckster has become a symbol of family road trips, holiday mishaps, and the importance of sticking together through thick and thin. It's a reminder that even when things don't go according to plan, there's always a way to make the best of a bad situation.

In conclusion, the RV from Christmas Vacation may have had its fair share of problems, but it will always hold a special place in our hearts. Its unique design, memorable moments, and lasting legacy have made it an icon of American cinema and a beloved symbol of holiday cheer. So next time you watch the movie, take a moment to appreciate the Griswold Family Truckster and all the laughs it has brought us over the years.

RV From Christmas Vacation: The Ultimate Road Trip Experience


Who doesn't love a good road trip? The open road, the wind in your hair, and the freedom to go wherever you please. And there's no better way to experience it than in an RV. But not just any RV, we're talking about the iconic RV from the classic movie, Christmas Vacation. This beast of a vehicle has become a cultural phenomenon, and for good reason. Let's take a closer look at what makes this RV so special.

The Exterior

The first thing you'll notice about the RV from Christmas Vacation is its size. It's big. Really big. In fact, it's so big that it almost seems like a parody of an actual RV. But that's part of its charm. The exterior is covered in a faux-wood paneling that screams 80s nostalgia. And let's not forget about the giant Santa Claus on the side. Because nothing says road trip like a jolly old man in a red suit.

The Interior

Once you step inside the RV, you'll feel like you've been transported back in time. The interior is a tribute to all things kitsch. From the plaid curtains to the shag carpeting, every detail has been carefully curated to create the perfect retro vibe. And who could forget about the infamous RV toilet scene? While we can't promise you'll have your own bathroom mishap, we can guarantee that you'll feel like you're part of the Griswold family.

The Amenities

Despite its outdated decor, the RV from Christmas Vacation does come with some modern amenities. There's a kitchenette complete with a stove and refrigerator, so you don't have to rely on fast food for every meal. And if you need to freshen up, there's even a shower (just make sure you don't end up like Clark trying to get the soap out of your eyes).

The Road Trip Experience

But what really sets the RV from Christmas Vacation apart is the road trip experience it offers. When you're driving down the highway in this behemoth of a vehicle, you can't help but feel like a true adventurer. Every mile feels like an accomplishment, and every rest stop is a chance to stretch your legs and take in the scenery. And when you finally reach your destination, you'll feel like you've truly earned it.

The Attention

Of course, driving an RV that's as iconic as the one from Christmas Vacation comes with its own set of challenges. You'll definitely attract attention wherever you go. People will want to take pictures with the RV, ask you questions about it, and maybe even offer to buy it off you (we don't recommend selling it). But that's all part of the fun. You'll feel like a celebrity on wheels.

The Challenges

However, it's not all smooth sailing when it comes to driving the RV from Christmas Vacation. It's a big, bulky vehicle that can be difficult to maneuver, especially in tight spaces. And since it's an older model, you might run into some mechanical issues along the way. But hey, that's all part of the adventure, right?

The Cost

So, how much does it cost to rent the RV from Christmas Vacation for your own road trip? Well, we hate to break it to you, but it's not exactly cheap. The RV is owned by a private collector who occasionally rents it out for special events and appearances. Prices can range from $1,000 to $3,000 per day, depending on the length of your rental and the location.

The Alternative

If that's a bit steep for your budget, there are other options. You can rent a similar (albeit less iconic) RV for a fraction of the price. Or, if you're feeling really adventurous, you can even buy an old RV and fix it up to look like the one from Christmas Vacation. Who knows, maybe you'll even start your own cultural phenomenon.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, the RV from Christmas Vacation is more than just a movie prop. It's a symbol of adventure, nostalgia, and the American road trip. While it may not be the most practical or affordable option for your next vacation, it's definitely one that will leave a lasting impression. So, grab your family, load up the RV, and hit the open road. Just don't forget to bring the eggnog.

The RV From Christmas Vacation

When it comes to iconic movie vehicles, the RV from Christmas Vacation is right up there with the Batmobile and the DeLorean from Back to the Future. This behemoth of a motorhome, affectionately known as The Wagon Queen Family Truckster, was the perfect mode of transportation for the Griswold family's ill-fated holiday adventure.

The RV Shuffle

Before the Griswolds could hit the open road, they had to find the perfect spot to park their RV. This proved to be easier said than done, as they were turned away from every campground they tried. In a stroke of luck (or perhaps divine intervention), they stumbled upon an abandoned parking lot where they could finally set up camp. The RV shuffle was a true epic journey, requiring all hands on deck to maneuver this monstrosity into place.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - The Tale of the Deflating Santa

Once they had settled in, the Griswolds set about decorating their RV for the holidays. Clark, being the overachiever that he is, decided to inflate a massive Santa Claus decoration. Unfortunately, the RV's electrical system was no match for the jolly old elf, and the whole thing deflated in a matter of seconds. No good deed goes unpunished, indeed.

The Turkey Catastrophe

No holiday adventure would be complete without a culinary catastrophe, and the Griswolds delivered in spades. When it came time to cook the Thanksgiving turkey, Clark discovered that he had forgotten to remove the giblets. Hilarity (and nausea) ensued, as the family attempted to salvage the meal with an improvised side dish of Jell-O mold.

The Jelly of the Month Club

Speaking of Jell-O, the Griswolds received a subscription to the Jelly of the Month Club as a Christmas gift. While this might seem like a disappointing present at first glance, Clark quickly realized that it was the gift that kept on giving. After all, who doesn't love a good condiment?

Cousin Eddie's Family Fun Time

No discussion of the RV from Christmas Vacation would be complete without mentioning Cousin Eddie. This lovable redneck and his family were unexpected houseguests for the Griswolds, and they certainly made their presence known. From emptying their sewage tank into the storm drain to kidnapping Clark's boss, Cousin Eddie's family fun time was anything but boring.

Squirrel in the House

One of the lesser-known hazards of RV living is the risk of rodent infestations. In the Griswold's case, this came in the form of a squirrel who had taken up residence in their home on wheels. While some might have panicked at the sight of the furry intruder, Clark saw it as an opportunity to teach his kids about nature. (Of course, he also nearly burned down the RV in the process, but that's neither here nor there.)

The Empty Pool Debacle

Finally, we come to the most infamous scene involving the RV from Christmas Vacation: the empty pool debacle. In an attempt to create the perfect winter wonderland for his family, Clark decided to fill the RV's septic tank with water and use it to flood the backyard. As you might imagine, this plan did not go well, resulting in a massive hole in the ground and a ruined holiday.

Deck the Halls with Boughs of Hazards

As the Griswolds learned the hard way, holiday decorating can be a dangerous business. From the aforementioned deflating Santa to the electrified Christmas tree, there were plenty of hazards to navigate. Fortunately, they all made it out (relatively) unscathed, and we're left with a classic holiday movie to enjoy for years to come.

The Blizzard Chaos

Of course, no discussion of Christmas Vacation would be complete without mentioning the blizzard that threatened to derail the Griswold's plans. While planning a winter vacation can be difficult at the best of times, Mother Nature was particularly uncooperative in this case. But as Clark reminds us, it's not about having the perfect holiday - it's about finding joy in life's imperfections.

In Conclusion

The RV from Christmas Vacation may not have been the most reliable mode of transportation, but it certainly made for some unforgettable moments. From the RV shuffle to Cousin Eddie's family fun time, this behemoth of a motorhome played a starring role in one of the most beloved holiday movies of all time. So if you're considering hitting the road for your own holiday adventure, just remember: anything can happen when you're traveling in style.

The Hilarious Tale of RV from Christmas Vacation


Christmas is a time for family, happiness, and making memories. But for the Griswold family, it's also a time for chaos, mishaps, and endless laughter. The 1989 movie, Christmas Vacation, showcases the mayhem that ensues when Clark Griswold tries to create the perfect Christmas for his family. One of the standout characters in the movie is the RV that the Griswolds use to travel to their destination. Let's take a humorous look at the role of the RV in this classic holiday film.

The RV as a Character

In Christmas Vacation, the RV is not just a means of transportation; it's a character in its own right. The RV is an old, beat-up vehicle that Clark has spent months preparing for the trip. It's a symbol of Clark's determination to make everything perfect for his family, even if it means putting up with a dilapidated RV that breaks down every few miles.

Throughout the movie, the RV is subjected to all manner of abuse, from being hit by a truck to being dragged through the snow by a dog. Yet somehow, it manages to keep going, much like Clark himself. The RV is a testament to the resilience of the Griswold family, who refuse to let anything ruin their Christmas spirit.

The RV's Role in the Movie

The RV plays a crucial role in the plot of Christmas Vacation. Without it, the Griswolds would not be able to embark on their journey to spend the holidays with their relatives. The RV is also responsible for many of the comedic moments in the movie. From the scene where Clark accidentally empties the sewage tank into the street to the moment when the entire family gets stuck inside the RV, the vehicle is a constant source of laughter.


In conclusion, the RV in Christmas Vacation is more than just a mode of transportation. It's a character that adds depth and humor to the movie. The RV represents the tenacity and determination of the Griswold family, who refuse to let anything stand in the way of their perfect Christmas. So this holiday season, let's all take a moment to appreciate the humble RV and the vital role it plays in one of our favorite holiday movies.


  • RV
  • Christmas Vacation
  • Clark Griswold
  • Family
  • Humor
  • Chaos
  • Mishaps
  • Resilience
  • Comedy
  • Holiday

Closing Message for RV Enthusiasts

Well, folks, that's all she wrote! We've covered everything there is to know about the iconic RV from Christmas Vacation. From its memorable appearance on the big screen to its real-life counterpart, we hope you've enjoyed this journey with us.

Whether you're an avid RV enthusiast or just a fan of the movie, we can all appreciate the unique charm of this classic vehicle. It may not be the most luxurious or practical option out there, but it certainly has character.

So, what have we learned? For starters, if you're planning on taking a cross-country trip in an RV, make sure you do some research beforehand. You don't want to end up like the Griswolds, stuck in the middle of nowhere with a broken-down vehicle.

On the other hand, if you're looking for a fun and quirky way to travel, an RV might be just the ticket. Sure, it may not have all the amenities of a five-star hotel, but it offers a unique experience that you won't find anywhere else.

And let's not forget about the nostalgia factor. For those of us who grew up watching Christmas Vacation, seeing the RV brings back fond memories of holiday traditions and family gatherings. It's a reminder that sometimes the simplest things in life are the most meaningful.

Of course, we can't talk about the RV without mentioning its infamous sewage scene. While it may be cringe-worthy to some, it's also a testament to the film's ability to find humor in even the most unpleasant situations.

At the end of the day, the RV from Christmas Vacation is more than just a vehicle. It's a symbol of the American spirit of adventure and the importance of family. And who knows? Maybe one day we'll all have our own Griswold-style RV adventures to share.

So, whether you're a die-hard fan of the movie or simply appreciate the charm of a vintage RV, we hope you've enjoyed learning more about this iconic vehicle. As Clark Griswold would say, Merry Christmas, and a happy new year!

What People Also Ask About RV from Christmas Vacation

1. What kind of RV was used in Christmas Vacation?

The RV used in Christmas Vacation was a 1972 Condor II, which was built by the now-defunct recreational vehicle manufacturer, Cortez.

2. Was the RV in Christmas Vacation a real RV?

Yes, the RV used in Christmas Vacation was a real RV. It was rented by the movie's production team and was later sold to a private collector.

3. How fast does the RV in Christmas Vacation go?

While it was never explicitly stated in the movie, it's safe to assume that the RV in Christmas Vacation didn't go very fast. The average speed of an RV is around 60 mph, but given the age and condition of the Condor II, it probably went much slower.

4. Can you actually sleep comfortably in an RV like the one in Christmas Vacation?

It's possible to sleep comfortably in an RV like the one in Christmas Vacation, but it would depend on the individual's preferences. The Condor II had a small sleeping area, so it might not be suitable for taller people or those who need more space to stretch out.

5. Would you recommend taking a road trip in an RV like the one in Christmas Vacation?

Well, that depends on your sense of humor and adventure! If you're looking for a unique and memorable vacation experience, then an RV road trip could be a lot of fun. Just be prepared for some unexpected mishaps and hilarious hijinks along the way!